Doomsday Ride Statistic Charts

In the following charts I have assembled and transformed some statistic data of the ride into graphs.

You can select a single slide above and scroll through the remaining slides by clicking into the displayed one.

Download as PDF document: doomsday-ride-2012-statistics.pdf

Download as Power Point Show: doomsday-ride-2012-statistics.pps

Finale at the Lamanai Temple


The tour started in San Jose with Rice & Beans for breakfast. What other can you wish than having a Rice & Bean Dinner at a Maya Temple at Doomsday? Well it was more: Rice, Beans & Chicken plus a bottle of local Rum and the Howler Monkeys in the trees at sunset!


The temple was really deserted. Besides us, only 3 guys from Dallas were around to experience their doomsday at this Mayan place. Nothing like a huge Maya or commercial festival. It was an ordinary day. At least at this site.

Nevertheless, we setup our dinner table at the foot of the Jaguar Temple. The final supper was enriched with two bottles of complementary rum. Before any of the thirsty riders DSC_9792could enjoy the ‘enriched’ water, the first sip of the rum had to be given to the Maya gods in a ceremonial gesture. Henry and Cristiano performed the duty and the first drops of the bottles were spilt over a sacred rock, making sure there remained enough of the tasty fluid for us in the bottles. After weeks of ‘purified’ water, what a welcome change!

Only the Howler Monkeys were curious about what was going on in their territory and couldn’t take their looks from the strange ‘aliens’ in their fancy outfits with some odd rituals.
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It was already dark, when we returned home to Belize City, in ‘The Blue Bird’ an old and rattling school bus.

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