109 km – 967m up – 884m down – 4461 kcal – 6:09h
Although Isla del Flores was a nice place to stay, it was about time to leave it to make it right in time to Belize for the final showdown of the tour. And who wouldn’t trade in a hotel in the city with a hilltop hotel. That is what welcomed some of us in San Ignacio. Unfortunately not everyone was lucky enough to get a room in this place.
Today we had 109km to go, 93 thereof in Guatemala before we crossed border into Belize. Border process was easy – pay 20 Quetzals in Guatemala to leave and get a free stamp in Belize to enter. However Belize
customs required to register our bicycles in the passport to make sure, we don’t leave the battered piece of metal in their country, when we leave.
What a change is Belize: English spoken here!
I immediately completed my lucky bracelet collection in the first village after the border and continued to San Ignacio, which is only 10km after the border. The hotel is nicely located on a hill overlooking the plain that will lead us to Belize City the next morning. It has a big pool and even the toucans come to feed in the garden.
I still have an issue with my health condition. Some flue virus is still bugging me and keeping my body temperature high. Or maybe it is vitamin C poisoning, from getting an overdose of the delicious fruits in the past weeks? Nevertheless I want to ride the remaining days and kilometers to Belize City. I have mastered the most difficult, hardest and longest riding days, no need to say that I will finish the easy days, too. So you see me riding with arm warmers when others are sweating in the heat. I try to make it quickly into the next destination hotel to give my body a hot shower (if available) and an immediate rest on arrival.