105km – 2227m up – 2597m down – 5283 kcal – 7:55h
As nicely Panajachel was locate at the lake, it was a trap. Whoever was in charge to dig a tunnel from there to Sacapulas, simply wasn’t finished. It looks as if he did not even start the job
and so we had to climb out of the kettle again into the Guatemalan highlands. It was a long, but not too steep climb into the chilling morning. However it still took us almost 3 hours to make the first 20km. Thereafter it was rolling down and up all day. The usual ‘river crossing’ scenario: ‘Down in a valley, over the river and up, out of the valley’ and so on. And so the climbs added up to another 2200m this day. The final descent into Sacapulas was a gift and required to save enough energy for the following day – the one with the biggest accumulated climbs on a single day. You can see from our current destination where Cristiano is going to drive us up tomorrow morning
The early birds, who left camp before the flagging was started, got lost in the next town and circled for 30 minutes until they found their way out.
In the afternoon we met ‘Aaron Lisco’ from Maui/Hawaii who is in his second year of his 5 years mission to fulfill his dream and cycle around the world. He started his trip from Alaska and is carrying an extra 50kg of bags on his bike.
You can read about his trip and motivation on his blog: www.beyondthegreatdivide.org
Today we are again stacked into a very basic room, sleeping 3 of us, just to make us appetite for the next rest day location. The rooms are so small that we have to cuddle up with our bags in the primitive beds as there is no space to store them.
The Hotel is directly located at a shaky steel bridge which makes squeaking noises when a car goes over it. The steel panels are partially broken, big wholes give way down into the river. Too risky to pass at night without lights.